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Linear Programming and Game Theory
Authors:   Ritu Arora, Kavita Gupta

ISBN: 978-81-8487-725-0 
Publication Year:   2022
Pages:   294
Binding:   Paper Back

About the book

An undergraduate textbook written in lucid and simple language to familiarize the reader with the basic tools of optimization. A systematic presentation and comprehensive step by step explanation makes it easier for students to comprehend. Incorporated are a variety of illustrations and examples in each chapter. An elaborate selection of exercises has been provided. The book is beneficial for students of all the courses who intend to study ‘Linear Programming and Theory of Games’. The book covers various methods of solving linear programming problems such as simplex, big-M, two phase, graphical, and duality methods. It also covers transportation, assignment, transshipment, travelling salesman and game theory problems along with their solution methodologies.

Key Features

Table of content

Introduction / Linear Programming – I / The Simplex Method And Artificial Variables / Duality / Transportation Problem / Assignment Problem / Game Theory.

Undergraduate Students, Teachers and Researchers