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Fundamentals of Quantum Mechanics
Authors:   Madhusudan Jana

ISBN: 978-81-8487-653-6 
Publication Year:   2019
Pages:   368
Binding:   Paper Back

About the book

FUNDAMENTALS OF QUANTUM MECHANICS begins with a discussion on emerging this subject and its relation to classical mechanics. The book is self-contained and is written in a lucid language. The book converges from atomic models to fundamental issues of quantum mechanics. It utilizes the mathematical tools efficiently to make subject clear. This book will be useful for Under Graduate courses and Engineering students of this discipline. This book has been designed for the beginners as well, with a very different approach relative to major available books.

Key Features

  • • The book covers the topics - matter waves, formulation of quantum mechanics, applications of Schrödinger’s equation in solving potential problems, simple harmonic oscillator, etc. • One special relevant topic like band theory of condensed matter physics is also included. • The spherical harmonics, concept of hydrogen atom problem and angular momentum are discussed. • Various numerical and conceptual problems are worked out and some are left for the readers. • The method of Bra-Ket representation is discussed separately.

Table of content

Preface / Inadequacy of Classical Mechanics and Need of Quantum Mechanics / Matter Waves / General Formulation of Quantum Theory / Some Applications of Schrodinger Equation / Linear Harmonic Oscillator / Motion in Spherically Symmetric Potential and the Hydrogen Atom / Electron Spin / Band Theory of Solids: A Great Application of Quantum Mechanics / Appendices / Some Physical Constants / Bibliography / Solutions of Some Selected Problems / Index.

Undergraduate Students, Teachers and Professionals