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Shilajit Divyarasayan
Authors:   Shibnath Ghosal

ISBN: 978-81-8487-566-9 
Publication Year:   2017
Pages:   132
Binding:   Hard Back

About the book

SHILAJIT DIVYARASAYAN is the sequel to Shilajit in Perspective (Narosa, 2006). Continued investigation of shilajit has now resulted in the discovery of three types of potent bioactive micro-constituents of shilajit. These are fullerene, fullerene- dibenzo-a-pyrone (DBP) adducts and mineralo (Fe; Cu, Zn) – fullerene-DBP (3-OH and 3, 8-OH2) – adducts. These discoveries point to a unique interlink of the terrestrial and celestial bodies by shilajit. Hence the name Shilajit Divyarasayan. Divya connotes celestial and rasayan connotes chemistry. Over a dozen asteroid and meteorite samples have been analysed. Involving chemical and analytical techniques, namely, HPTLC, HPLC, IR, 1H- and 13C-NMR, MS, TEM, SEM and syntheses were adopted and the results thereof are applied to validate the maharas (Supervitalizer) character of shilajit. Also, several simple techniques have been developed to accomplish similar objectives. This approach would act as a bridge between the ancient (Ayurveda) and the modern (Occidental) - Science. This book would provide unique benefit for users and researchers of shilajit.

Key Features

Table of content

Introduction / C60 Fullerene, Fullerene C-, N-, O- Centered Adducts and Mineralo-Fullerenes in Meteorites / Fullerene, Fullerene Adducts and Minera lo-Fullerenes in Ammonites / Shilajit Bioactives Containing DBPs, Fullerene and Fullerene Adducts: DCPs and FAs / Humification of Ammonites: DCPs and FAs / Chemistry of Ammonite Shale Constituents and their Role in Shilajit Formation / Shilajit Bioactives in Animal and Human blood / Essentiality of Fullerene-DBP Adducts in the Bioactivities of Shilajit Divyarasayan / Standardization of Shilajit / Glossary / References / Index.

Postgraduate Students, Professionals and Researchers