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Computer Applications in Physics:with Fortran, Basic and C, Third Edition
Authors:   Suresh Chandra, Mohit Kumar Sharma

ISBN: 978-81-8487-274-3 
Publication Year:   2014
Pages:   506
Binding:   Paper Back

About the book

Because of encouraging response for first two editions of the book and for taking into account valuable suggestion from teachers as well as students, the text for Interpolation, Differentiation, Integration, Roots of an Equation, Solution of Simultaneous Equations, Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of Matrix, Solution of Differential Equations, Solution of Partial Differential Equations, Monte Carlo Method and Simulation, Computation of some Functions is improved throughout and presented in a more systematic manner by using simple language. These techniques have vast applications in Science, Engineering and Technology. The C language is becoming popular in universities, colleges and engineering institutions. Besides the C language, programs are written in FORTRAN and BASIC languages. Consequently, this book has rather wide scope for its use. Each of the topics are developed in a systematic manner; thus making this book useful for graduate, postgraduate and engineering students.

Key Features

  • • Each topic is self explanatory and self contained • Topics supported by numerical examples • Computer programs are written in FORTRAN, BASIC and C • Students friendly language is used

Table of content

Preface to the Third Edition / Preface to the First Edition / Interpolation / Differentiation / Integration / Roots of an Equation / Simultaneous Equations / Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors / Differential Equations / Partial Differential Equations / Monte Carlo Simulation / Some Functions / Accuracy of Calculations / Bibliography / Index.

Undergraduate and Graduate Students and Teachers in Computer Science, Engineering and Physics