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Insect Pest Control:Using Plant Resources
Authors:   S. Ignacimuthu, s.j.

ISBN: 978-81-8487-170-8 
Publication Year:   2012
Pages:   300
Binding:   Paper Back

About the book

INSECT PEST CONTROL surveys extensive literature related to the use of plant resources for controlling insect pests. Different activities of plants like antifeedant, larvicidal/insecticidal, ovicidal, repellent, growth regulation, chemosterilant, pbytohormones, etc., have been compiled under agriculture pests, store grain pests, mosquitoes and beneficial insects. While scientists have identified many plants and their products with insect control properties, farmers are looking for plant-derived substance to control insect pests and people from industries are looking for safe and natural alternatives to be promoted amongst the farmers. This book fulfills these needs of students, researchers and teachers and supports environment-friendly agriculture.

Key Features

  • • Deals with a number of plants which have been screened against insect pests including agricultural pests (field and storage pests) and mosquitoes, compounds isolated, formulations developed and effects on beneficial insects. • Provides an easy approach to readers in locating a plant and their present exploitation since the plants already screened against insects have been presented alphabetically under different heads like antifeedant, larvicidal/insecticidal, repellent, growth regulation, etc.

Table of content

Preface / Acknowledgement / Plant Resources / Mode of Action on Insect Pests / Control of Field Insect Pests / Control of Stored Product Insect Pests / Control of Mosquitoes / Effect on Biochemical and Cellular Characters / Effect on Beneficial Insects / Processing and Preparation of Plant Extracts / References / Index.

Postgraduate Students, Professionals, Researchers and Industry