About the book ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE: A New Approach is an attempt to provide comprehensive information on various aspects like natural resources, ecosystem ecology, conservation of biodiversity, pollution and its control measures and environment protection legislation. Special emphasis is laid on various social issues related to environment like resettlement and rehabilitation of displaced people, energy related urban problems and environmental ethics. The book critically evaluates current issues like population explosion, global warming and sustainable development.
This simplified book provides concise study material on the subject which.will be of great help to its readers. |
of content Environmental Studies – A Multidisciplinary Subject: Scope; Need for Public Awareness / Natural Resources: Forest resources; Water resources; Energy resources; Mineral resources; Land resources; Food resources / Ecosystems: Types; Components; Food Chain, Food Web and Ecological Pyramids; Energy Flow in an Ecosystem; Nutrient Cycling; Characteristic features, structure and functions of - Forest, Grassland, Desert and Aquatic Ecosystem; Ecological Succession / Biodiversity and its Conservation: Magnitude and Levels of Biodiversity; Biogeographical Regions of India; Value of Biodiversity; Hot - spots of Biodiversity; Threats to Biodiversity; Endemism; Conservation of Biodiversity / Environmental Pollution: Pollutants; Sources, Effects and Control Measures of - Air, Water, Soil, Thermal, Marine, Noise and Radioactive Pollution; Solid Waste Management; Role of Individual in Prevention of Pollution; Disaster Management / Social Issues and the Environment: From Unsustainable to Sustainable Development; Energy related Urban Problems; Climate Change; Global Warming; Acid Rain; Ozone Layer Depletion; Nuclear Accidents and Holocaust; Wasteland Reclamation; Water Conservation; Resettlement and Rehabilitation of People; Consumerism and Waste Products; Environmental Ethics; Environment Protection Legislation; Public Awareness / Human Population and the Environment: Characteristics of Population; Population Growth; Population Explosion; Environment and Human Health; Human Rights; Value Education; HIV/AIDS; Women and Child Welfare; Information Technology in Environment and Human Health / Field work / Glossary / Index.
Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students |