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Authors:   Darbeshwar Roy

ISBN: 978-81-7319-987-5 
Publication Year:   2010
Pages:   980
Binding:   Paper Back

About the book

Biotechnology provides description of structure and function of the genetic material and the genome organization and discusses in detail genetic code, structural code, regulatory code, RNA world, RNA editing and DNA imprinting. Gene, its structure and expression, gene cloning, in vitro mutagenesis, gene tagging, gene silencing, DNA synthesis and sequencing technology as well as genome sequencing and assembly are also discussed. Molecular marker technology and its applications, structural genomics technologies including methods of analysis of SNPs and haplotypes, functional genomics technologies for studying gene function and interactions at individual gene level and at genome-wide scale and proteomics technologies are fully described. Methods of construction of pathways and networks, and protein synthesis and sequencing technology are included.

Key Features

  • • Introduces technologies for analyzing structure and function of genes, genomes, transcriptomes and proteomes • Includes chromatography, electrophoresis, molecular cytogenetics and genetic engineering techniques which will help in setting up experiments

Table of content

Preface / Nucleic Acid and Genome Organization / RNA Editing / Genetic Code / Function of DNA / Gene, Gene Concept and Gene Organization / Imprinting / The Other Types of Code / Recombinant DNA Technology and its Applications / Restriction Endonuclease / Vectors and Expression Vectors / DNA Library and its Construction / DNA Synthesis and DNA Sequencing Technology / Genome Sequencing and Genome Assembly / Protein Synthesis and Sequencing / Molecular Marker Technology and its Applications / Structural Genomics and Structural Genomics Technology / Systems Biology / Analysis of Single Nucleotide Polymorphism / Analysis of Haplotypes / QTL Analysis / In Vitro Mutagenesis and Directed Evolution / Transposable Elements in Genome Organization / Functional Genomics and Function Genomics Technology / Gene Function and Interaction / Proteomics / Oligos-Chemical Genomics / Genome Comparison / In Vivo and in Vitro Systems for Transcription and Translation / Chromatography and Electrophoresis / Molecular Cytogenetic and Genetic Engineering Techniques / References / Index.

Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students, Teachers & Researchers in Biology, Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Genetics and Agriculture