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Programming with C++:A Text Book
Authors:   A. Chandra Babu, T. Joshva Devadas

ISBN: 978-81-7319-919-6 
Publication Year:   2009
Pages:   316
Binding:   Paper Back

About the book

Programming with C++: A Text Book introduces object-oriented programming techniques using C++ language, in a simple and lucid manner. Numerous programming examples are given to cover the necessary programming principles and techniques. A detailed discussion of the theory and inclusion of a large number of model problems and exercises are special features of this book. The powerful features of C++ are used to implement frequently used data structures and an introduction to object-oriented software design is presented through case studies. A clear exposition of related topics such as templates, exception handling, file handling, type identification and casting operators will help initiate further study by the students.

Key Features

  • • Detailed discussion of theory • Includes a large number of model problems and exercises with both short answer and long answer questions

Table of content

Preface / Introduction / Basic Concepts / Functions in C++ / Classes and Objects / Constructors and Destructors / Operator Overloading and Type Conversion / Inheritance / Polymorphism / Templates and Exceptions / Input/Output with Files / Type Identification and Casting Operators / Applications to Data Structures / Object-Oriented Software Design / Index / About the Authors.

Undergraduate - Postgraduate Students, Teachers & Researchers in Computer Science