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Optimization:Theory and Practice
Authors:   M. C. Joshi, Kannan M. Moudgalya

ISBN: 978-81-7319-424-5 
Publication Year:   Reprint 2013
Pages:   344
Binding:   Paper Back

About the book

Optimization: Theory and Practice is ideally suited for a first course on Optimization. It gives a detailed mathematical exposition to various optimization techniques. The presentation style retains abstract flavor of the mathematical framework as well as applicability potential of techniques, thereby making the text useful to both scientists and engineers. The topics covered are: Single and multi-dimensional optimization, Linear programming, Nonlinear constrained optimization and Evolutionary algorithms

Key Features

  • Development of mathematical foundation • Unified mode of presentation – discussion of a case study, exposition of mathematical techniques, sample problems and description of algorithms and solution analysis • Convergence analysis of computed values through appropriate theorems and graphical and tabulated display – for visual realization • Availability of pseudocodes

Table of content

Mathematical Preliminaries / One-Dimensional Optimization / Unconstrained Nonlinear Optimization-Gradient Based / Linear programming / Constrained Nonlinear Optimization / Evolutionary Methods

Undergraduate & Graduate Students